在思考中, 保持简单

in thinking, keep it to the simple

recent blog

AI that finds your mentor on LinkedIn

Thursday, Feburary 13, 2025

How do you find a person of interest on LinkedIn (whether that be finding a mentor, a potential client, or someone who shares your professional goals)?...

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monthly highlights

january recap coming soon

a new year, a new start


it's not feburary yet

just a placeholder :)


not march as well

again, just a placeholder :)



april is my fav month


currently reading

Human Acts by Han Kang

the military dictatorship and the Gwangju Uprising

Principals of Plant Breeding and Genetics by George Acquaah

fundamentals of plant breeding (reading for startup)

Engineering in Plain Sight by Grady Hillhouse

overlooked infrastructure and everyday engineering

The Coming Wave by Michael & Mustafa

the future of tech and its impact on society

Full Stack Development by Juha Hinkula

building applications with React and Spring Boot


실리콘밸리는 무엇을 기획하고 개발하는가 by Han

how to build customer-centric products with psychology

어떤 생각들은 나의 세계가 된다 by 이충녕

philosophical questions and answers for everyday life

뇌, 마케팅의 비밀을 열다 by Hans-Georg

how to execute effective marketing with psychology

가장 젊은 날의 철학 by 이충녕

philosophical questions and answers for the youth

what i've been learning

spring boot 3

learning it to make a website

january ~


i can prolly play my favorite song someday

january ~


need it for my intership

january ~


so i can talk better with my friends

january ~