people climbing image for life section

feburary okrs

Launch Simple Thinking

Friday, January 31, 2024

As you can probably tell, I successfully launched my website, Simple Thinking, in February! There’s still a lot to refine—both in design and content—but overall, I’m pretty happy with how it turned out...

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Launch D:gging

Friday, January 31, 2024

I’ve spent a lot of time working on d:gging this month, aiming to launch it as soon as possible. Initially, I planned for a February release, but the project turned out to be much bigger than expected. Now, I’m targeting a March launch...

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Put classese above all

Friday, January 31, 2024

I totally failed this one. I tried to suck it up for a while, but I couldn't help but not give a shit about the boring-ass classes where I learn nothing and just do useless stuff for grades...

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Finish 80% of my habits

Friday, January 31, 2024

I kind of dropped the ball on this one. I did track some of my habits and stuck to quite a few since they’re already part of my routine, but I definitely didn’t hit the 80% mark...

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me yapping

Passion vs Paychecks: A Notre Dame Sophomore Reflects

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Midway through my sophomore year at Notre Dame, amidst the whirlwind of assignments, lectures, and the ever-present buzz of campus life, I find myself momentarily still, engulfed in a period of reflection that feels almost alien in the dynamic pace of college existence. These reflective pauses might seem out of place, but they’re filled with crucial questions about the essence of my journey. I’m grappling with the age-old query: What is the purpose of life, and where do work and education fit within this vast existential tapestry?...

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A Stroll in Klong Toey

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

My Canon EOS 3 is not just a camera but an instrument which I use to capture the essence of the world and its people. When I hold the camera in my hands and look through its lens, I discover a world that I could not see with my naked eyes. Deftly adjusting the focusing ring with my left hand, I refine the blurry demarcations of the world. Then, tweaking the aperture and the shutter speed with my right hand, I exhale deeply and lock in my elbows to minimize the shaking of the camera at the moment of exposure...

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what i lov to read every morning

a few sites i keep coming back to every morning. maybe it's the content, the style, or just the vibe of the site. no ranking, no rules—just my daily go-tos.